Saturday, December 11, 2004

Election Prediction Winner Profile 'Bronze Medal'

During the month of October, readers were invited to submit their predictions for the 2004 US Presidential Election. Twenty-three predictions landed within one percent of the actual results, and I have identified the five winners, promising profiles on these keen analysts. This article is the first of three such profiles.

The fifth place winner, Van Pham, and the fourth place winner, Charles Fulner, did not provide any additional information, so I will leave these men of mystery to their more subtle accolades.
Third place was taken by a reader named "Larry", whose e-mail name is "Hippy Leftist". If that tag is accurate, we need to acknowledge that Liberals are just as sharp in reading trends and political campaigns as Conservatives.

"Larry" is Larry Jones, who didn’t pass along much in the way of details, and he does not seem to have his own blog or website, but the first profile already provides a twist from what one might expect.

Profiles still to come, for runner-up "JB" and our champion, "Robear".

Again, Congratulations Larry!

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