Monday, September 12, 2005

I Accuse...


OK, the rescue efforts are largely successful, the death toll appears to be significantly below the 10,000 pitched by Mayor Nagin, and since the Liberals have had their predictable flurry of attempts to pin yet another act of Nature on President Bush, it seems to me that we have finally reached the point where we can start talking about who bears the bulk of the responsibility for this disaster in New Orleans.

Bearing in mind, as always, that we are talking about an unforeseen natural disaster.

Fortunately, there has ben a great deal of information presented on the timeline and responsibilities. And in reading those documents, I have found a candidate who appears far more culpable than anyone else. Here are some hints:

[] It's not President Bush
[] It's not anyone named Clinton
[] It's not FEMA Director Michael Brown
[] It's not Louisiana Governor "Quick Decision" Blanco
[] It's not even Mayor "Calm Under Pressure" Nagin

The last two, especially, have their own responsibilities to be sure, but I found someone whose duties, as specified in the stautes in place when Katrina made landfall, makes their burden the heaviest.

I wonder who else might know the person I mean?

More to come...


Anonymous said...

The citizens of New Orleans

Boghie said...

LBJ for losing the War on Poverty at the same time he lost the War in Vietnam...

He forced much of the population to dependency - bread and circuses...

Anonymous said...

The head of the Louisiana Homeland Security department. Ebbet, I think.

Boghie said...

I could not remember his name - may it forevermore be recinded from my memory.

Ebbet is a good choice.

My guess is that the Director of the Louisiana Homeland Security Department might, just might, be the focal point in the states interface with the Federal Homeland Security Department and the Mayor of New Orleans...