Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Damned, The Left, and Terrorists

One of the most difficult things about being a fundamentalist Christian, is that you always have to clear away so many false assumptions and misconveyed statements by others claiming the same name, before you can even get around to saying what you want to make plain. To a degree, the same thing can be said for the three groups mentioned in my title here. There is a lot of confusion and a lot of assumption, which muddies the waters and makes it difficult to discuss the key issues and to advance the debate. With that in mind, I am tossing off a few thoughts on these three groups.

First, the damned. When I say the damned, I am not so much talking about humans as the fallen angels. I have noticed that when skeptics want to deny the sovereignty of God and the truth of the Bible, they often point to the rebellion of Satan and his angels, and ask why anyone close enough to see God as He really is, would rebel knowing the eternal consequences of hell. They say that if the angels were really as smart as claimed, they would never have made such a choice. That claim, of course, misses the fact that all creatures make irrational decisions, sometimes for worse, sometimes for better. It’s actually part of our identity; a perfectly rational being cannot be human at all. In fact, I rather suspect that our gracious Lord is not rational Himself, but I suppose I had better let that tangent go for another time.

And this brings me to my admittedly incomplete thought for the day. The Left and Terrorist groups have an awful lot in common. There was a time when I would not have touched such a thought, but more and more I see an echo between them; what one say the other repeats. Most people on the Left, certainly, do not approve of violence against innocents, yet they more and more turn a blind eye to the injustice and atrocity of Terrorism, because they find a common enemy. As cruel as it sounds, the Left is willing to accept a measure of Terrorism if it means the Republicans and Conservatives lose. And the Left is quite willing to use the same dishonest rhetoric and paranoia to advance their argument. Look at the upcoming election. Terrorists threaten violence if they do not get the result they demand, and now the Left is doing the same.

Is it any wonder the Left wants us to pull out of Iraq? Everytime a Marine kills a terrorist, a Leftist considers it the loss of a friend of his.

The Left are enemies of America and all she stands for. It really is that cold, hard, and true.


Dan said...

Sad that anyone would be so corrupted with hate and misunderstanding to think such things, and even sadder that you would write them. I pray for you.


Anonymous said...

What a sad and pathetic life you must lead for you to write such paranoid ramblings. Or maybe you're just trying to "shock" readers into responding. Whatever the case you've hit a new low!

The worst part (didn't think it could get much worse) is smh10 is probably right there are a great deal of citizens who agree with you (these apparently are the only people that continue to support Bush).

I'm praying it's just the stress of this election that is making you go mental, as this stress has also seemed to hit a great deal of your heroes.

Dan said...

Funny that smh10 would wish that your thoughts would go from your fingers to God's ears. I agree with him or her that your thoughts are nothing that would ever occur to God. Never. Amd the day that God is relying on this blog for advice would be a sad one, indeed.

Anonymous said...

There's no question that DJ said what many won't...there's a reason for that!

And if his writing was indeed based on facts, prove to me that all of us on the left want our soldiers dead while terrorists live. I know I want my nephew home and alive, I know I want my friend and a father of 5 young kids home and alive. So don't tell me that I am (or for that matter nearly all on the left) choosing politics over friends, family and our country because that is a LIE!

If I use DJ's logic, the Republicians must have been thrilled on 9/11...it started a war they wanted, it gave the president some God-inspired purpose (plus high approval ratings) and it happened to kill at least a few liberals in the process. That's a good day for a hate-filled righty!! Get Real!

And SMH10 don't even start a holier than thou debate between the Dems and Republicans...you choose to believe that God is on your side, I'll continue to know where MY God stands.

DJ's moronic post showed his true colors...it's now clear he's an extreme right-wing nut job! Because according to DJ, I, and at least 40% of the country, apparently am now an enemy of the state! It must be sad to live a life with that much hate!