Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The God Who Votes

Let me begin this article by saying straight out that no one, no one, has sanctioned what I am about to say. So before someone comes back later and claims this represents an organized effort to tie Religion to Politics, let me be clear that this article is my own, unimportant, overly wordy half-processed idea. Your mileage may differ, as the commercial disclaimers say. But to the point, I have found it fascinating and a bit dishonest, how many people whose policies they know are amoral at best, demand that God stay out of things, that His opinion cannot be considered in electing those leaders who will direct the nation’s decisions on moral issues. Abortion, war, coercive redistribution of wealth, and the limits on personal freedoms are all expected to be addressed without considering of the simple question about whether the proposed action is the right thing to do. To that, I think it is well past time to voice dissent, indeed to oppose and suppress those who think that Freedom of Religion still disallows a person from voting their conscience by listening to the voice and will of God. It is time for us all to exercise our rights, not lay them down because someone is a boor about how we voice our opinion.

Let me be clear; God is not a Republican, any more than He is a Democrat. Any human political platform is a human construction, and it is sheerest arrogance to presume that we can in any way come close to the Divine Standard in any construction of our own making. That does not, however, deny God’s interest in the welfare and behavior of His children on Earth; indeed our leaders should properly consider themselves the stewards of the power temporarily allowed them by the Almighty Hand, and merely Regents of their office, rather than moral authorities in their own right. God has made His will and preferences clear on many occasions, and we would do well to take that into account. While much derided by the Left, the Bible is a true and priceless book for consideration into human nature, as well as the fate of nations which obey or rebel against the Holy Will. Immoral nations fall and fail, of that there is no doubt. And God takes an active and direct interest in His people. Like it or not, if a national leader wants his country to prosper, he must uphold the laws of God and protect those who serve God.

Essentially, God gives His children a lot of freedom, individually and as nations. But certain actions are always out of bounds, and in to commit those acts are to invite disaster. I would suggest the following list of national commandments:

Thy nation shall promote Justice above all else.

Thy nation shall not suppress those who believe in God and live in faith.

Thy nation shall promote Freedom for all people as individuals, except that Justice must always come first.

Thy nation shall not murder babies.

Thy nation shall deal fairly with other nations in commerce, respecting other nations while protecting thine own providers and resources.

Thy nation shall not mock marriage.

Thy nation shall honor thy history and its lessons

Thy nation shall not deny individual rights in order to increase the government.

Thy nation shall respect, supply, honor, fund, and listen to thy soldiers

Thy nation shall not create elite classes with special privileges.

Do not ever forget that God does indeed vote. And in the end, His verdict is the only one which counts.

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