Sunday, May 29, 2005

Blog Power, Indeed

If you think the New York Times really does print ‘all the news that’s fit to print’, you might want to skip this article. If you believe Dan Rather’s support of forged documents in an attempt to influence the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election was good journalism, this might make you very unhappy. And if you think that Eason Jordan was just trying to be what all journalists should aspire to become, just move on to a blog in your own part of the universe. What I mean is, the Blogosphere has now officially moved beyond the shores of the United States and Internet-only discussion, to the point where it now must be counted as a measure of political influence and policy direction by nations around the globe.

Late last week, I was contacted by an editor of the Kyodo News consortium, which is one of the largest news reporting syndicates in Asia, and is distributed to almost every newspaper, radio, and television station in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Pacific Rim. I was later interviewed by Mr. Toshimitsu Sawai, who is preparing a story about the early contenders for the U.S. Presidential Election in 2008. Mr. Sawai and I had a pleasant discussion about the qualifications of Dr. Condoleeza Rice for the office, along with speculation about her likely rivals in the Republican and Democrat parties if she chooses to run. We also discussed the significance of the Bush Doctrine in Asian affairs, how it affects trade agreements, national security, and regional alliances. Mr. Sawai is also interviewing a number of other political authorities, and I look forward to reading his story.

The significance of this interview, lies in the fact that Kyodo News did not restrict itself to the Mainstream Media in developing the story and finding sources for comment. Bloggers are now considered valid political authorities.

I wonder how long, before a major blogger wins a national office? It seems much more likely, indeed much closer, now.

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