Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Judgment of God III – The Purpose

So, by now I’ve colored the picture rather darkly, I’d have to say. Thoroughly Holy God gazes down upon the wretched form of thoroughly sinful Man. Uh-oh. Actually, though, there’s a great deal of hope to be had, again because of the nature and essence of God.

It seems strange to me, but most people don’t seem to spend much time or thought in consideration about why God made us, and what His plan for us means in terms of our future, especially the final Judgment. It might be that subconscious acknowledgement of our sin, which not only bars us from approaching God on the merits of any worth, but also shames us from believing He would still want us. It also might be the devil, whose last desperate act of rebellion is, knowing he cannot touch God, to hurt Him through the proxy of hurting His creation here on Earth.

But God is truly omnipotent, and while we can argue about what that means in any specific detail, it certainly means that His will shall be done, no matter what we have in our hearts and minds. Those He wishes to grant Heaven will surely see it, and those He denies Heaven have no chance of it.

Whatever else we may say about Heaven and Hell, it stands to plain reason that Hell is not at all good, and Heaven is perfect. The problem, of course, is that by its nature only perfect people can enter Heaven, and so it would appear that once again we are undone by even the smallest of our sins.

Thus Christ. By His perfection, we are not only forgiven of our sins, but through His perfection we are ourselves made perfect, reborn into a life impossible to lead through human industry, but given for us all, and to us all who will accept the gift. I will speak more about the qualities of divine ift-giving at some other time, but for here this is surely a great and wonderful gift, that we are not only freed from our sins and wrongs, but made fit as well in every aspect. It follows of course, that a person must be able to reject a gift for it to truly be a gift, and that means that some will in fact reject that gift. By definition, their lot is Hell.

Heaven and Hell have also been very difficult to write about. Heaven is difficult to write about, because we know only imperfection, imitation of the good at best, and so it is beyond us to fully describe the qualities of a perrect abode, much less an eternal dimension of such perfection. But Hell is also difficult to describe fairly. From the Bible, there are different classes of punishment, and this may apply to severity, duration, any number of factors we can consider and some of course beyond our comprehension, since we are again talking about an Absolute, and therefore something beyond our ken.

For here though, there is a purpose to what God does, and it seems to me that a key to His mercy lies in pursuit of that purpose. Jesus told His disciples that whatever they asked, would be granted, and it's qualified somewhat later by observing that we have not, because we do not ask in Jesus' name. That always bothered me, but it seems to me that while we receive much freely as God's gift to all of us, there are things which God disposes to His servants, and to receive these things, one must be in the right place, spiritually, to receive them.

That is the point I am considering today; how to be right in God's purpose.

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